About company

It is our ambition to be your preferred global supplier of innovative and added value packaging solutions. Respecting our corporate social responsibility, we strive for fast growth with long term and constructive relationships.

Molds land produce Bottles , Closures and Detergents .

Molds land produce Bottles , Closures and Detergents .

We can produce Bottles for the fields of Detergents , Cosmetics, Sanitizers, Medicine, Veterinary, Food, Paints and Automobile Oils

In the field of Detergents we produce the following :

Stain remover for ink , rust and fats

Dishwashing soap

Ceramic rust cleaner

White chlorine

glass cleaner

Liquid soup for shower

Hand wash

Kitchen grease cleaner

Carpet washing shampoo

Air Freshener


  1. Rust stain remover
  2. Ink stain remover
  3. Greases stain remover

( All Stain Removers are safe to use on all types of clothes and leather)


  1. Ceramic Rust Remover: It removes any rust stain for tiles and clears the yellowish color from toilets and ceramics , prevents cracking and leaves the surfaces shiny


  1. Safe Kitchen Cleaner: It removes tough greases and oils from the kitchen surfaces, ceramic and ovens. Its also safe on stainless and our hands. Don’t have any odor.


  1. Powerful Kitchen Cleaner: We should use gloves while using this product ⚠ Its helps in removing extra tough greasiness and heavy sticky oils from all kitchen surfaces, ceramic and ovens.


  1. Shower Gels: body washes have gentle liquid texture on skin, its also foamy that gives you great relaxed feeling. Its available in many scents.


  1. Dish washing Liquid: Dish washer liquid with excess foam that cleans deeply with the power of lemons. Safe on hand skin.


  1. Hand Wash: Clean the hands well gives you a great fine feeling and keep your hands moisturized.


  1. Chlorine: cleanser, sterilizer, sanitizer and used in bleaching clothes and surfaces.


  1. Glass Cleaner: Polishing and cleaning spray that gives great sparkle effect after using it.


  1. Carpets cleaning gel: Cleans the carpets from dust and heavy stains with thick effective texture and perfumed smell.


  1. Air Refresher Spray: Our Air refresher is available different adorable scents. All of them lasts in the room and gives better refreshing feeling.


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